Thursday, 20 March 2014

napoleon dynamite (needs editing)

In this sequence the titles look really low budgeted, this may reflect the characters wealth. The food throughout the sequence looks very unhealthy and not well planned out, this also reflects a stereotypical teens life style. 

The fact that "Fox Searchlight Pictures" appears first shows that they are the main company behind Napoleon Dynamite. 

"Paramount Pictures" is next shown, showing that it is still important but not as important as "Fox Searchlight Pictures".

"MTV Films" is shown last but still in food form so this shows that these companies are working together, because the presentation changes and breaks the link between the companies and actors.


When he starts pulling out his cards and things we can see what kind of personality he has, and what things he is in to. 

 the "U.F.O" card shows he is nerdy, because not many people are into that sort of thing. I like the way the titles are incorporated in the card, the slightly bigger text draws attention to the name and shows that he is one of the main characters because he is shown first. 

The name of the film/main character is shown after, still with the same presentation - cards - linking the names together, automatically giving the audience the idea of who the character is. This is also when we first see his face and confirming his nerdiness with his physical appearance.

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