i researched what a thriller film should include and found this on wikipedia. I think we covered these elements in out title sequence. Suspense; the music we chose brought this element into our sequence. Tension; The close up shots keeping the killers identity a secret. and excitement; when the shed was locked it makes the audience want to see what happens etc.
Friday, 21 March 2014
Shot Types
Our sequence uses a lot of close ups and p.o.v shots, this is to keep the killers identity hidden to capture the audiences attention. I think the close ups add tension as they reveal little bits of the killers "lair" making the audience think about the surroundings and setting. Close ups work best for this kind of genre because they intrigue the audience more than just an p.o.v shot as you can see more whats going on.
There are also a couple of over the shoulder shots. I think this helps involve the audience into the sequence more, and give them a better perspective on what the killer is doing other than just the close ups with don't reveal much.
Over all I don't think we used a wide range of shots, but the ones we used worked well, and the effects Liam put onto them made them really cool and made them more based on our genre.
Title Sequence
This is our finished title sequence. Over all I think it is really good.
This is our finished title sequence. Over all I think it is really good.
Finished titles on the sequence.
These are the finished titles on the sequence, I think the whole thing looks really good and stays with the genre of choice. I think the lightish colour of font against the dark background work well, and the colour of the font works well as it isn't pure white, its got a orangey tinge to it so it blends in with the rest of the background without looking weird. I think the "directed by Danny Boyle" sticks out the most because all of the other shots are kind of black and white and dark, but on the last shot its got more colours involved automatically making it stand out better than the others. I think the shots Liam's chose to put the credits on work well because it draws more attention to what is happening on the screen, this also adds to the eeriness.
I am quite pleased with the feed back, as is my group; as there wasn't many negative comments apart from being too alike to Se7en which doesn't really bother us as we used that sequence as inspiration ands took ideas from it and altered them to make them original for our sequence. We got a lot of good comments too. One of the main ones being the font. Overall I think the comments are really good and I'm happy with what people think of our groups sequence for "Post-Mortem".
Thursday, 20 March 2014
napoleon dynamite (needs editing)
In this sequence the titles look really low budgeted, this may reflect the characters wealth. The food throughout the sequence looks very unhealthy and not well planned out, this also reflects a stereotypical teens life style.

The fact that "Fox Searchlight Pictures" appears first shows that they are the main company behind Napoleon Dynamite.
"Paramount Pictures" is next shown, showing that it is still important but not as important as "Fox Searchlight Pictures".

When he starts pulling out his cards and things we can see what kind of personality he has, and what things he is in to.

The name of the film/main character is shown after, still with the same presentation - cards - linking the names together, automatically giving the audience the idea of who the character is. This is also when we first see his face and confirming his nerdiness with his physical appearance.
titles (finished)
These are the updated titles, i changed the colours and removed the backgrounds so that Liam could put them on the sequence. We chose a lighter colour so that they would stand out on the dark backgrounds. The font worked well with our sequence as it was scratchy, and worked well with the jittery effects on put on the shots.
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